the new home zone for single family housing

This new residential development comprises 18 three bed family houses, 12 two bed apartments and 4 two bed wheelchair accessible houses.

All of the homes are designed to achieve or exceed London Plan requirements, complete with low carbon features such as MVHR systems. The wheelchair accessible houses are designed to comply with Mayor of London Best Practice Guidance and relevant Habiteng standards and all achieve Code for Sustainable Homes Level 4.

All photography © Philip Vile

Masterplan showing the principles of pedestrian friendly home zones

fully accessible homes

terrace of semi-detached family homes

homes have private entrances and dedicated off-street parking

fully accessible houses with carports

The muted tones in one of the home zone kitchens

In an area of high car ownership, particular attention is given to the design of the streetscape to ensure it creates an attractive, safe environment for pedestrians, cyclists and children that cars do not dominate.  Pedestrians are given priority with adequate off-street parking to create pleasant, tree-lined streets. Visual changes in surface types, planting, street furniture and raised areas slow traffic and discourage haphazard on-street parking.  The new street becomes a public amenity.

Typical 3B5P house plans